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Abergays Society ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ

Welcome to the Abergays minisite! Abergays exists to support LGBT+ students, their friends and family, and supporters at Abertay University. The Society organises events throughout the year for all its members.
The aims of the society are:
To be approachable
The Society should have a visible presence within the University community, and it should appear open and friendly.

To be social
The Society will put emphasis on the social aspect, by holding regular social evenings and trips, where possible.

To be visible
The Society will aim to be as visible as it can be, through the use of poster campaigns and information posters.

To campaign
The Society will provide information to its members regarding Government policy that has an impact on the lives of LGBT+ people. Additionally, the Society aims to be involved with the NUS and NUS Scotland LGBT+ Campaigns.

Where and when do we meet? ๐Ÿ—“

We have weekly events normally on Tuesday evenings (6pm - 9pm). Join us for games, movies, crafts, nights out or your own suggestions!

Get in contact 

You can send us an email - abergays@abertay.ac.uk

Follow us on Twitter

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Our Committee