Fitness to Practice

What is Fitness to Practice?

The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) has a duty to protect the public by only permitting nurses who are safe to practise to do so. The University is responsible for ensuring that students are of good health and good character to practice and graduate. Students are bound by the NMC Code of Professional Standards.

The School of Applied Sciences must have a Fitness to Practice committee delegated by the NMC.

Should you be suspected of breaching any aspect of the Code, or if circumstances arise which bring your fitness to practice into question then this will be investigated and considered under the School’s Fitness to Practice procedures.

If you are a member of the Royal College of Nursing then they can offer advice and support.

The Association can:

◦ Discuss the procedures with you
◦ Talk over your case with you
◦ Accompany you to fitness to practice meetings

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