SRC is the main democratic decision making body of Abertay SA, but only so much can be discussed during those meetings. So that issues and work can be explored more fully, SRC has the ability to create committees to explore democratic issues and develop proposals on how to address those issues.
These committees report directly back to SRC, which holds them accountable for the work they do. This is done by sending the minutes and the agenda of their meetings to SRC, the members of those committees can also come to SRC to answer questions and feedback on the progress they have made. There is only one committee of SRC which exists year-to-year - the Student Leadership Team. This consists of all of the elected officers of Abertay SA and they give updates to SRC at every meeting on the work they do. In order to create a subcommittee/working group of SRC, the proposer has to bring a paper to SRC outlining the following;