Name: Elliot McDermott

Course: BSc(Hons) Psychology with Forensic Science

Year: 1st



What made you choose to join the Aberpics Society?

A passion for photography, and I thought it would be cool to help start a society!


What's your favourite subject to photograph and why?

Architechture/Street Photography, because I like observing things that most people don't, like buildings on the street and people going about their lives


What's your go-to camera?

My Sony A57 - My only camera


If you could create a photo series on any unusual theme, what would it be?

Taking photos of the people on the bus, in cars as they pass my flat - I have a good view into both as I live on a main road, the top deck of the buses aligns with my window too


If you could time travel, would you go to the past or the future, and why?

To the future, to see what my life will be like and if I have a job I want


If you could have any animal as a pet, regardless of practicality or legality, what would you choose and why?

A Spinosaurus (the best dinosaur)


If you could have any superpower for a day, what would you choose and how would you use it?

Teleportation, so I would wake up 10 minutes before a lecture and not have to get the bus in the morning