Annual Survey Results 2024

Every year, we ask our students their thoughts on a myriad of topics and how they feel about the Association. Keep reading for a synopsis of our findings in 2024!

For the full results, click here.

Performance Review ⭐

The Students’ Association is getting a pat on the back with improved overall ratings since 2023. There's a rise in students who rate its performance as very good, though some still hold a neutral view.

In a nutshell, students are navigating a post-pandemic world and reconnecting with the Abertay community and their peers.

Watch this space for news on how we’ll be taking your thoughts forward!

Right now, the Students’ Association will be focusing on the following:

  • Expanding our cost-of-living support, like our weekly free food bank, and promoting it more extensively
  • Tackling student loneliness by supporting societies, running events year-round, and creating opportunities to make friends
  • Ensuring that mental health is kept at the forefront of our activities by launching our Student Mental Health Agreement with Abertay University
  • Improving understanding about our representative roles and making sure they’re fit for purpose
  • Taking our students’ feedback on board and making big changes 😊

What we learned

Green Thumbs Up! 🌱

Students are rallying behind sustainable actions. They want the Students' Association to cut down on its carbon footprint.

The top recommendations? Encouraging recycling, upcycling, reducing food waste, ditching wasteful promo items, buying local, and saying goodbye to single-use plastics. And if students had to pick one, buying from local businesses takes the gold medal!

Learning the New Norm 🧑‍🏫

There's a bit of a mismatch in learning preferences versus reality. While some students crave more face-to-face interactions (around two to three days on campus would be perfect), this group is experiencing a fully online or blended schedule.

The good news? Most are happy with their study arrangements.

Community Connection Woes 😔

The pandemic’s shadow lingers, impacting students' sense of belonging and connectedness. The bright side? Fewer students report these negative effects compared to last year.

Blended Learning: Thumbs Up! 👍

Students are generally satisfied with the university’s blended learning approach. If you disagree, get in touch with us at!

Mind Matters 🧠

Managing coursework, mental health, loneliness, and financial struggles are top concerns, though slightly less so than in 2023. Safety, bullying, and discrimination issues are thankfully rare.

Lonely Hearts Club 💔

Loneliness is a common theme, with most students feeling lonely at least some of the time. A significant number feel lonely often or always, though few would judge a peer for admitting it.

Support Services: A Lifeline 🆘

Top services accessed include academic support, counselling, mental health services, and mitigating circumstances.

The majority rate these services positively, especially valuing confidentiality, easy access, empathy, and quick responses.

Safety concerns and GBV 🛡️

Sadly, a small percentage of students have faced gender or sexual orientation-based abuse, but awareness of the "Tell Us" ( for reporting these issues has risen. Students mostly turn to counselling services for support.

A large majority of students support the University having a dedicated Sexual Violence Support Worker. 

Financial Struggles 💷

Many students report worse personal finances than last year, though perceptions are improving. Most are "getting by," but a notable minority are struggling.

Sliding into your DMs 📱

Email, YouTube, WhatsApp, Instagram, and Discord are the go-to platforms for students. Currently, you can find the Association on Facebook and Instagram (@abertaysa) and join our Discord server. We’ll be looking into expanding our social media presence to other commonly used platforms.

What is an Association, anyway? 📢

All Abertay students automatically become members of the Association and we will always be free to join - students understand this better compared to last year! There is also improved understanding around Class Reps, the President, and the Vice-President.

The most common barriers to getting involved were a lack of free time from other responsibilities and a lack of knowledge about what we do.