Name: Selma Yu Gilroy Løkvik

Course: Computer Games Applications Development 

Year: 3rd Year



What made you choose to join the Gaming and E-sports Society?

I chose to join the gaming and esports society because I really enjoy playing competitively in coordinated team play. It was one of my friends who introduced me to the society.


What initially drew you to the world of e-sports?

Gaming is something I’ve always liked. After many years of playing, I finally got into esports and started watching a fair amount and getting really invested in it.


What are some of your favourite games or esports titles that you enjoy playing competitively?

I have played League of Legends competetively.


Have you had the opportunity to engage in any e-sports tournaments or competitive events? What was your favourite experience there?

I have played in NUEL (National University Esports League), NSE (National Student Esports), BFS (Battle for Scotland) and Telenorligaen/Telialigaen (Norwegian tournament that at some point name changed). My favourite experience was the coordinated team play and working together towards a goal.


In what ways has playing e-sports impacted your personal life and skills outside of gaming?

I have gained a lot of friends as I’ve met a lot of new people and enjoyed playing with them. I’ve also improved my cooperation skills.


If you could live in any fictional world, which one would it be and why?

I think I would really enjoy living in the world of Avatar the Last Airbender or Legend of Korra, because I think that the bending is really interesting, and I would love to be able to bend anything to be honest.


What's your favourite board game or video game, and what makes it so enjoyable for you?

My favourite board game is Ubongo and Ubongo 3D. They are puzzle games where you have to fit so and so many shapes in a space, kind of like tetris. I really enjoy those because I’ve always liked puzzle games that challenge my brain, and it’s a fun way to compete against friends. My favourite video game is probably the room series, which are also puzzle games.


If you could have any animal as a pet, regardless of practicality or legality, what would you choose and why?

I would love to have a panda as a pet because they are really cute, fluffy and very silly animals.