Dundee Business School

  • Dhruvpatilcropped

Dundee Business School Rep


About me 😃

Name: Dhruv Patil

Course: BA (Hons) Business Management

Year of study: 2nd


Why did you want to become a Division Rep?

I wanted this role as I believe I have good communication skills, which means I could help the university and students.

What's the one piece of advice you would give to students you represent?

To think about the reasons behind why you are studying and use that as motivation

What's the most memorable vacation you've ever been on, and what made it so special? 

I went to the Maldives when I was 17 with my mother and sister and I received my university offers there.

If you could have any animal as a pet, regardless of practicality or legality, what would you choose and why? 

I would want the most intelligent species of monkey and I would like to be given enough weekly time to grow and train it to see how intelligent it could be