Name: Alex Kerr
Course: BA (Hons) Digital Marketing with Events Management
Year: 2nd
What made you choose to join the Business Society?
If being in the business work has taught me anything, its that you need connections, working with the business society will open doors to do that. Hopefully those in our year who are as passionate as I am about business, will join up and there can be friendships made.
If you had to start a business today, what would it sell or offer?
I do have a business, a few of them, the main three being making and selling art, baking and the last being an events company which invests in once in a lifetime events.
If you could design your own business card, what unique feature would it have?
If the world was full of more tech, I would have holographs. When people held my card, it would show the latest updates from the business
If you could instantly master one business skill, what would it be?
How and when to delegate
Which fictional company (from books, movies, or TV) would you want to work for?
International Genetic Technologies, Inc. -Jurassic Park
CyberDyne Systems Corporation- Terminator
Acme- Looney toons.
Umbrella Corporation- Resident Evil
Ministry Of Silly Walks - Monty Python
Zorg Industries - The Fifth Element
If you could live in any fictional world, which one would it be and why?
-Wicked Lovely Novel by Melissa Marr, it is a series about the fae world merging with the human world. I would want to be a Shadow court fae or Courtless.
-House of Night by PC and Kristin Cast, I'd love to be a vampire in a world where you are chosen by a goddess to live a long prosperous life.
-Interview with a Vampire by Anne Rice. The need to be a dramatic vampire with a mad flare is sometimes too much
If you could have any animal as a pet, regardless of practicality or legality, what would you choose and why?
Chimera- I think they would be super loyal to you, plus imagine a chimera as a lap dog. You'd be squished and warm. One minute it's a lap dog, the next you're riding it into battle.
If you could have any superpower for a day, what would you choose and how would you use it?
Invisibility, I'd use it to inconvenience people. Susan Storm was missing a trick.