Name: Charlotte Slade
Course: BA(Hons) Accounting and Finance with Law
Year: 3rd
What made you want to join the Accounting Society?
I wanted to make this society to support our fellow students feel more integrated into university life and introduce them further to the world of accounting.
What drew you to study accounting?
I enjoyed studying maths at school and I studied Banking and Finance before coming to university. After leaving school I was wondering about what I wanted to do and someone introduced me to accounting and I thought “hey, that’s something I could actually see myself doing”.
If accounting were represented by a colour, what colour would it be?
I don’t know why, but for some reason blue.
If you had to describe accounting to a five-year-old, how would you do it?
Let’s say you started your own company or stall selling lemonade. One of the things you must do is decide how much you’re going to sell your lemonade for and how much it is going to cost for you to make it. If it costs you £1 to make to make a cup of lemonade, you want to charge more in order to afford to continue having enough money to make the lemonade. As your business grows, there are other costs you have to look at, and most people can’t keep up with it (nor do they want to), and so accountants are hired.
What's the most embarrassing or funny thing that has ever happened to you?
I once got stuck in a tree. There will be no further questions.
If you could live in any fictional world, which one would it be and why?
I would like to live in the Game of Thrones universe, as I am a fan of the show, but then I also feel I would die instantly.
If you could time travel, would you go to the past or the future, and why?
I feel like I’d like to go to the future, but then I almost feel like I’d spoil it for myself. So maybe I’d go back to the past to get things for a cheaper price. As long as I could come back to the present, I think I would be happy to go to either.
If you could have any superpower for a day, what would you choose and how would you use it?
Pausing time. I need more than 24 hours.
What's your favourite cheesy joke or pun?
Anything that starts with “A chicken crosses the road...”, I think it’s just such a weird situation to even comment on, and no one ever seems to have a good punchline for it (including myself), which makes it even funnier.
If you were stranded on a deserted island, what three things would you want to have with you?
I feel from a practical standpoint, I should choose things that would help me survive... but I’m not practical. It would have to be my phone, just so I don’t get bored, my earphones and probably matches (but knowing me I would forget that last one).