Name: Laura Demontis
My job title is: Finance Assistant
I am responsible for: the day-to-day financial management; overall management and recording of Society finances, deposits, and statements; bank and account reconciliation; preparing and finalising monthly and annual management accounts.
What do you like to do in your free time?
Craft, paint, drawing, walk in the nature, go to the beach
Where is your favourite spot in Dundee?
The beach because I love the sea, it makes me feel well and relaxed.
If you could live in any fictional world, which one would it be and why?
Pandora from the movie Avatar because it is such a wild and free place surrounded by nature and with a touch of magic
What's your favourite board game or video game, and what makes it so enjoyable for you?
CLUEDO because I like to be a detective .
If you could have any animal as a pet, regardless of practicality or legality, what would you choose and why?
A Panda because it is so cute and sweet and I would cuddle it all day.
If you could have any superpower for a day, what would you choose and how would you use it?
The power to eliminate wars in the world and finally have a planet of peace and love for everyone.
If you could have a magical ability to understand and speak any animal language, which animal would you choose to communicate with and why?
A dog language so I can understand what he wants to say