Guidance for candidates, complaints, and budget

What guidelines does everyone have to follow?


  • You must treat other candidates, students and members of the public with respect
  • Campaigns should be fully transparent and accountable to the union
  • You must not do anything to gain an unfair advantage.
  • You must not undermine the fair and democratic running of elections.
  • You shall be responsible for the actions of your campaign teams.
  • You must not break any general Association and Abertay University rules and regulations.
  • Every electronic device will be deemed a ballot box.
  • If you want to advertise to a society, whether online or in-person, you must advertise this opportunity to all other candidates.

If a member of the Students’ Association believes that a candidate’s behaviour is in violation of these principles, they can submit a complaint via our official complaint form, available here. 

You must submit this form to the Deputy Returning Officer by e-mailing it to The DRO will investigate the complaint and give a decision within 5 working days. If you are not satisfied with this decision, you can appeal it to the Returning Officer, Jack Hogan. 

The deadline for complaints is 1 hour after the close of voting. No complaints will be accepted after this time. 


  • ... should not undertake campaign activity which others could not also reasonably do.
  • ... must take reasonable steps to ensure that their supporters' actions comply with the campaign rules at all times and must be able to demonstrate this in the event of a complaint against them.
  • ... may only alter, move or remove their own campaign materials.
  • ... may only use mailing lists where lawful to do so. In most cases, this will require the consent of the members on the list to use their details.
  • ... must allow voters to cast their ballot freely and must not communicate with voters in any way once they have begun to complete their ballot.
  • ... are not allowed to campaign in the following areas: The Bernard King Library and beside the elections polling booth

If these rules are broken, a candidate’s nomination may be rejected, and they will be removed from contention.

What about budget?


  • Campaigners must not exceed their budget limits (£50), which includes printing costs.
  • All campaigners must submit a written list of all campaign costs with corresponding receipts to the Deputy Returning Officer no later than 1 hour after polls close.
  • If candidates do not spend any money during the course of their campaign, this must be made clear on the submission.
  • Items freely and readily available to all campaigners can be used without itemisation.